
Thursday, September 24, 2020

EVENING 9/24/20

Evening, pastels/cutout canvas, 77"x70", 1989

I am feeling hopelessly disheartened watching our nation slip into autocracy with the Executive Branch making Congress impotent. Hurriedly packing the Supreme Court, in the event that nine Justices become the “decider” in anticipation of the November election -another example of Trump's march to despotism. Cases of blatant murder against black lives are being ignored by a Grand Jury of fellow Americans. Has injustice infiltrated the moral imperative of many of our citizens? It grievously looks that way.

Autocracy/Fascism/Dictatorship/Despotism are words I never thought I would say about a nation whose Constitution includes checks and balances to rein in “abuses of power” - a document admired and imitated around the world.  I never thought I would use those insidious words about a  President of this country - the country that my parents fled to in order to save their lives from a maniacal tyrant in 1938. FDR closed the doors and gave in to the Isolationists and Anti-Semites after 1940, but my father and mother were able to enter just in time, while my paternal grandparents never had that opportunity being sent off from their home in Berlin to the “model ”concentration camp - Theresienstadt where they eventually died/shipped off to die. This haunted my parents and continues to haunt me as I view the “war” against immigration today. The detention cages filled with separated children, disease rampant, and an uncaring administration who precipitated this disaster.

This upcoming election will change our lives. It might precipitate a “constitutional crisis” and the only defense we have is the vote and our voices raised in protest. Covid-19 has made this all the more difficult, but participation will be critical. Time is racing on.

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